- Apa kepanjangan dari modem ?
Jawab : Modulator-demodulator - Berapa kecepatan rata-rata LAN ?
Jawab : 100 Mbps - Apa kode Top Level Domain (TLD) negara Jepang ?
Jawab : Jp - Apa kepanjangan dari ISP ?
Jawab : Internet Service Provider - Siapa bapak blogger indonesia ?
Jawab : Enda Nasution - Tahun berapa Indonesia terinspirasi oleh kegiatan amatir radio ?
Jawab : Tahun 1986 - Apa kepenjangan dari (USP) ?
Jawab : University of Southem California - Apa kepanjangan dari www ?
Jawab : world wide web - Kapan sejarah internet dimulai ?
Jawab : Pada tahun 60-an - Sebutkan beberapa web Broser ?
Jawab : Mozila firefox,opera,flock - Untuk apa menu title Bar ?
Jawab : yaitu untuk memperlihatkan judul web yang di akses - Apa kode Top Level Domain negara Malaisya ?
Jawab : My - Apa sub domain untuk institusi sekolah ?
Jawab : .sch.id - Apa ISP Indonesia yang bermanfaat sebagai Lissensi ?
Jawab : IndoNet - Sebutkan beberapa kode akses yang banyak digunakan di indonesia ?
Jawab : Hp,Wifi,Hotspot - Apa jaringan pribadi yang menggunakan protokol internet dan sistem telekomunikasi publik ?
Jawab : Extanet - Berapakah kecepatan yabg dimiliki Gigabit Ethernet ?
Jawab : 1 Gbps. - Apakah kepanjangan dari Wi-Fi ?
Jawab : Wireless Widelity - Apa yang dimaksut dengan Domain ?
Jawab : merupakan nama server - Dimanakah lokasi IndoNet ?
Jawab : Di daerah Rawamangun di kompleks dosen UI - 1000 bil/detik samadengan berapa kbps ?
Jawab : 1 kbps - ARPANET merupakan basis dari apa ?
Jawab : AlohaNet - Apa kepanjangan dari internet ?
Jawab : Inter-network - Kapan muncul web pertamakali ?
Jawab : 6 Agustus 1991 - Berdasarkan jangkauan wilayah geografis macam-macamjaringan computer dibagi atas ….
Jawab: a.LAN
Tugas III
Minggu, 18 November 2012
Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.23 0 komentar
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Nama : Herry Kiswanto
Tempat tanggal lahir : Magelang,22 April 1995
Agama :Islam
Hobby : Olahraga
Aku dulu pernah sekolah di SDN Banyusari.Disana aku mengenyam pendidikan selama 6 tahun,ketika disana hal yang aku sukai yaitu ketika aku kelas 6 .Karena di kelas 6 aku mempunyai teman yang ramah-ramah .Selain hal itu ada yang lain, yaitu ketika waktu pengumuman kelulusan. Aku tidak menyangka aku mendapat peringkat pertama.
Setelah itu aku melanjudkan ke SMP Negeri 1 Grabag.Disana aku mendapat banyak teman baru. Aku sangat senang karena aku mendapat banyak teman baru yang baik-baik.Banyak pengalaman yang aku dapat selama di SMP yang baik ataupun buruk. Setelah lulus aku memutuskan untuk melanjudkan ke SMA Negeri 1Grabag.
Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.23 0 komentar
"The Last Three Letters"
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
Dearest love,
I hope this message finds you well
As these endless thoughts drip from my soul
Every single word secretly paints a fairytale
(Every single word secretly paints a fairytale of when we)
Of when we will melt into one...
Eyes (I am so scared...)
Forfeit sight to the pain (So scared...)
Cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very core
As I cling to my memories of you (I need you with me)
Were the last words that I wrote for you, enough to tell you
That in my death, the light that shone through my painful darkness
Was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?
It's me again,
Is it me, or am I wrong to be concerned?
Will the beauty of your pen
Ever cross my eyes again?
Was this all a lie?
Were the last words that I wrote for you, enough to tell you
That in my death, the light that shone through my painful darkness
Was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?
Make it stop, make this pounding in my head stop
(I don't know what happened... who would have thought my life would end up like this?...)
Fill my lungs with air, give me one more day to make her dreams come true
(...I never even got the chance to see her face...)
She understands right? that I'm not coming back...
(...or to touch her hair... and now it's too late...)
She understands right? that I'm not coming back...
(...I didn't mean to hurt her, not hurt her like this...I can't feel my legs...)
Make it stop, make the pounding stop
(...I can't feel my legs and I can't even cry...how could someone die like this?...)
I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back...
(...Who would have thought my life would end up like this)
If my words even reach you, I'll assume you don't care
Never knew that silence could cut so deep or that you could twist the blade
Now I curse all of your beautiful lies..
I love you and goodbye...
Were the last words that I wrote for you, enough to tell you
That in my death, the light that shone through my painful darkness
Was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?
Cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very core
As I cling to my memories of you
I need you with me
I hope this message finds you well
As these endless thoughts drip from my soul
Every single word secretly paints a fairytale
(Every single word secretly paints a fairytale of when we)
Of when we will melt into one...
Eyes (I am so scared...)
Forfeit sight to the pain (So scared...)
Cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very core
As I cling to my memories of you (I need you with me)
Were the last words that I wrote for you, enough to tell you
That in my death, the light that shone through my painful darkness
Was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?
It's me again,
Is it me, or am I wrong to be concerned?
Will the beauty of your pen
Ever cross my eyes again?
Was this all a lie?
Were the last words that I wrote for you, enough to tell you
That in my death, the light that shone through my painful darkness
Was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?
Make it stop, make this pounding in my head stop
(I don't know what happened... who would have thought my life would end up like this?...)
Fill my lungs with air, give me one more day to make her dreams come true
(...I never even got the chance to see her face...)
She understands right? that I'm not coming back...
(...or to touch her hair... and now it's too late...)
She understands right? that I'm not coming back...
(...I didn't mean to hurt her, not hurt her like this...I can't feel my legs...)
Make it stop, make the pounding stop
(...I can't feel my legs and I can't even cry...how could someone die like this?...)
I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back...
(...Who would have thought my life would end up like this)
If my words even reach you, I'll assume you don't care
Never knew that silence could cut so deep or that you could twist the blade
Now I curse all of your beautiful lies..
I love you and goodbye...
Were the last words that I wrote for you, enough to tell you
That in my death, the light that shone through my painful darkness
Was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?
Cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very core
As I cling to my memories of you
I need you with me
Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.43 0 komentar
Posting 1
Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012
- Sebutkan lembaga di Amerika Serikat yang mengawali implementasi sistem jaringan saling terhubung !
JAWAB :DARPA ( Badan Riset Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat ) - Kapankankah sistem jaringan tersebut mulai di operasikan pertama kali ?
JAWAB : Pada tahun 1969 - Mengapa alamat IP penting untuk di kelola secara terpusat ?
JAWAB : Karena agar komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan komputer di seluruh dunia. - Apa yang dimaksut dengan Alohanet ?
JAWAB : Jaringan yang sangat cepat. - Tahun berapa Internet Service Provider (ISP) pertama kali dioperasikan ?
JAWAB : Pada tahun 1980-an. - Apa domain yang digunakan di internet untuk mengenali negara Malaysia ?
JAWAB : My - Apa kode negara ( Top Level Domain ) Kanada di internet ?
JAWAB : Ca - Siapa bapak blogger Indonesia ?
JAWAB : Enda Nasution - Apa yang dimaksut dengan blog ?
JAWAB : BLog merupakan singkatan dari web log adalah bentuk aplikasi web yang menyerupai tulisan-tulisan yang dibuat sebagai posting (pada halaman web umum ). - Lembaga mana yang mengoperasikan IPTEK-net ?
JAWAB : PT. Indo Internet.
Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.12 0 komentar
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